Category: Blog

Word continues to spread

According to PLOS|One,  our paper “Sliding Rocks on Racetrack Playa, Death Valley National Park: First Observation of Rocks in Motion” has been viewed 180,000 times. Media coverage isn’t quite the frenzy of the first couple of weeks, but the work continues to generate interest. At the moment we’re working as quickly as possible to get this site set up so… Read more →

Our story is everywhere

Not even a week has gone by since our historic (if we do say so ourselves!) paper was published on PLOS|One and it has been viewed 141,200 times – and shared 5,000 times. Jim and Dick have been interviewed by some of the world’s top media outlets and there’s no sign of it stopping. And the question they’re asked most often…what’s… Read more →

We’re officially published!

56,000. That’s how many people had seen our paper two days after publication on PLOS | One. To say we’re pleased with the level of interest is putting it mildly. Jim and Dick have already been interviewed on NPR, the story was front page of the LA Times the next day and the story was turning up all over the Internets.… Read more →